Tengchong Scientist Forum Manifesto

Technology is the primary productive force, an intrinsic driving force for economic prosperity, and a vital attribute of human civilization. Achieving Chinese-style modernization requires technological innovation; meeting the aspirations of the people for a better life requires technological innovation; building a community of shared future for mankind requires technological innovation.

In 2022, we gather in Tengchong, China, to ignite sparks of technology, promote innovation, and build exchange platforms to deepen scientific cooperation. We aim to address human challenges, contribute to technological advancements, uphold the spirit of science, and promote innovation. The objectives, vision, mission, and strategies of the forum are as follows:


- Guiding the future with technology.


- Striving to establish a Chinese characteristic, world-class forum in the field of science and technology, promoting dialogue between Chinese and global technology, and fostering global technological progress.


- Providing a high-level dialogue platform for top scientists, government officials, entrepreneurs, research institutions, and universities worldwide to facilitate international scientific exchanges and cooperation, address various challenges, offer technological solutions, and clarify respective scientific and technological viewpoints.

- Focusing on building a global innovation community, enhancing cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary exchanges among scientists, and continually strengthening the consensus that technological innovation is essential for sustainable development in all countries.

- Creating a favorable environment for technological innovation, allowing more young scientists to showcase their talents, and enabling global sharing of technological resources.


- Regularly hosting various conferences such as annual forums, seminars, academicians' forums, and lectures to discuss major issues in the field of science and technology.

- Actively participating in global technological breakthroughs and establishing various technological innovation rankings in different fields.

- Establishing the Tengchong Science Prize.

- Conducting various research activities centered around the forum's objectives.

- Establishing high-level think tanks and training centers in the field of technology.

- Establishing professional operational institutions to realize the vision of the Tengchong Scientist Forum.

We believe that technology is the primary driving force for the prosperity and development of any country or region.

We emphasize that technological self-reliance and open exchange and cooperation are equally important for any country or region.

We hope to let technology lead the future, benefit the people, and promote balanced global development through technology.

We advocate for:

- Promoting deep integration and development of technology with economics, society, culture, education, and ecology.

- Addressing major economic development needs of various countries, jointly tackling key technological challenges, and making technology a powerful tool for economic prosperity in all countries.

- Deepening global technological exchanges and cooperation to make more technological achievements global public goods.

- Respecting the nationality and cultural differences of scientists, jointly creating a friendly technological innovation ecosystem.

- Upholding the spirit of science and scientists, inheriting and carrying forward the academic spirit"perseverance and excellence" of Southwest Associated University .

- Strictly adhering to academic and technological ethics.

We firmly believe that science and technology belong to the world and all humanity. The Tengchong Scientist Forum will deeply engage in global technology governance and continually contribute Chinese wisdom.

Tengchong Scientist Forum

December 3, 2022

Address:  Yuan Xiaocen Art Park, No. 26 Hongta West Road, kunming, Yunnan,China