2023 Tengchong Scientists Forum | University Presidents' Forum Successfully Held

On the afternoon of December 1, the 2023 Tengchong Scientists Forum | University Presidents' Forum took place in Tengchong City, Yunnan Province. The forum, themed "Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind and the Mission of Modern Universities," gathered numerous academicians, university presidents, experts, scholars, research institutions, enterprises, and association representatives. They engaged in discussions on international education development trends, the mission of universities in the new era, high-quality talent cultivation, technological innovation and future education, artificial intelligence and educational digitization, and the deep integration of industry, academia, and research.

Academician Xu Zhihong, Former President of Peking University, Delivered a Speech

Academician Xu Zhihong of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and former President of Peking University stated that this forum's focus on current global developments and the reflection on the mission of modern universities is of profound significance. Higher education, as the intersection of education, technology, and talent, plays a crucial role in scientific innovation, talent cultivation, and the integration of science and education. It bears a special and important responsibility and mission. Given the complex global situation and the arduous tasks of national development in the new era, only by establishing a platform for cultural exchange and mutual learning, fostering a sense of a community with a shared future for mankind, and reaching consensus based on understanding, inclusiveness, and respect can we jointly address global issues and promote the collaborative development of higher education, highlighting its mission in building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Wang Deqiang, President of Yunnan Normal University, Delivered a Speech

Wang Deqiang, President of Yunnan Normal University, emphasized that local normal universities are key players in teacher education and the main force in training primary and secondary school teachers. The mission of local normal universities is to effectively link the foundational role of primary education with the leading role of higher education. The practice of the Southwest United University’s normal college in strengthening faculty, foundational skills, and balancing academic and pedagogical priorities provides valuable experience. In the new era, the construction of new teacher education must focus more on the academic quality of teacher candidates, unify teacher training and academic excellence through first-class discipline construction, and promote "three high" (high concepts, high technology, high values) teacher education. The country should continue to advocate for outstanding candidates to apply to normal universities and for excellent scholars to teach there. As the inheritor of the Southwest United University’s spirit, Yunnan Normal University is committed to carrying forward this legacy, striving to be a leader in teacher education in Yunnan and making new contributions to the province’s educational development.

Chen Yulu, President of Nankai University, illustrated with examples from Nankai University and the Southwest United University, that the value concept of a community with a shared future for mankind provides intellectual guidance for nurturing universal values, injects strong momentum into the development of Chinese modernization, and lays a solid foundation for cultivating world-class talents with modern capabilities. Chen believes that universities, as the main force in talent cultivation, should be important carriers of a nation’s and people’s values; higher education should link scientific and cultural goals with solving global common issues, balancing the conflicts and exchanges of civilizations with inclusiveness. Rooted in Chinese realities, addressing Chinese problems should always be the starting and ending points of university governance.

During the forum, several notable speakers delivered keynote speeches:

- Academician Liu Changsheng, President of Shanghai University

- Wang Jinsong, President of Sichuan University

- Chen Guanyi, Vice President of Tianjin University of Commerce

- Academician Kang Le, President of Hebei University

- Xu Anlong, President of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine

- Academician Li Xiaokun, President of Wenzhou Medical University

- Jia Dezhong, Vice President of Beijing Foreign Studies University

- Hu Jinming, Vice President of Yunnan University and Executive Vice President of the Southwest United Graduate School

- Huang Dongmei, Vice President of Shanghai University of Electric Power

They discussed various topics, including the strategic positioning of university education and urban development, training of interdisciplinary innovative talents, opportunities and challenges for the rise of universities in central and western China, the mission and responsibilities of modern business universities, innovative education in integrative medicine, and the mission and innovation of modern universities in the context of societal changes.


Summary by Wang Yunfei, Director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education

Wang Yunfei, Director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, summarized the forum, emphasizing the continuous efforts of Yunnan's education system in focusing on "Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind and the Mission of Modern Universities." The level of educational openness in Yunnan has been steadily improving. The Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Government have held high-level conferences on provincial education development and launched an action plan for high-quality educational development over three years. This plan includes eight actions, such as enhancing higher education quality and promoting international educational exchanges. Moving forward, Yunnan's education system will focus on serving the "3815" strategic development goals, actively advancing high-level educational openness, improving the quality of international education, and integrating into and serving the construction of Yunnan as a center radiating towards South and Southeast Asia.

The forum was guided by the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education and the Yunnan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, hosted by Tsinghua University, Peking University, Nankai University, and Yunnan Normal University, and organized by Yunnan Normal University. Yunnan University, Kunming University of Science and Technology, the Southwest United Graduate School, and Kunming Medical University co-organized the event.

Address:  Yuan Xiaocen Art Park, No. 26 Hongta West Road, kunming, Yunnan,China